The Roaring Twenties - What a start...

Coronavirus. Covid-19. The Devil in disguise. Call it what you like.
It's been a very difficult time for the world. It's 2020. I remember everyone getting so excited for this new year, declaring the reign of the 'roaring twenties' again and a year we will never forget... 
Who would have known it would have turned to shit so quick?

Wuhan were the first victims, then it spread. Days, weeks, months passed, all during that time more and more people died from this horrid disease. Covid-19 travelled the globe, infecting innocent people, tearing families and friends away from one another, touching another could be the barrier between life and death. It's scary, simple as. How can society go from normal to a global pandemic just like that? It seems that the only ones not scared are the naïve and the anti-coronavirus protestors (cue eye roll).

The entire world has been turned upside down. Currently in England no one is allowed to leave their homes unless for essential purposes, most stores are shut, people have to wait for someone to come out of a supermarket before another can go in, everyone is wearing clinical masks like we're in a hospital. In a way, everywhere is a hospital because of how fragile we all are.

But this is not a negative blog, so I want to try to distract all the readers reading this post from the horrors of the outside world. I'd figure most reading this right now are trapped in your houses, so I just want to tell you that everything will be okay. Isolation has been difficult for myself, and definitely for many others out there, but it has allowed me to really think about myself as an individual. I believe this is what everyone should be doing. Instead of thinking about the negatives, think about your life after this is all over.

Why have I pinned this picture on here when talking about coronavirus? To answer that question simply, it's because I'm a dreamer. I have been dreaming a lot about what I want to do when the country is finally allowed its freedom and what I want to do is explore. I have a bucket list filled with things which I have hardly looked at, so my goal is to tick them off. What do you want? I, personally, want to go on adventures with the people I love. I want to see things I haven't seen before, take risks, try new foods. I was supposed to be going on holiday this Summer but of course that was cancelled, but this has only made me more excited.

My advice for you: don't give up. Lockdown WILL be over so instead of feeling sad that you can't leave your house, think positive. Think about all those people getting better, the death rates falling, the opportunities you have, the family you will finally get to hug after months of not being able to. I will continue collecting photos of my dreams, you do so too.

~ Ella 
