Let's talk about interracial relationships.
Firstly, I want to ask, is there anything wrong with this? Anything peculiar? Because whenever I go on social media people's opinions seem to be the complete opposite of what I believe. For some reason people have the view that there has to be a meaning for a black woman to date a white man. In my opinion, I feel that there is no logical reason other than love.
I am very happily in a long term relationship as a black woman with a white man. He is my best friend, I am close with his family, and my family have accepted him for who he is. There was never a question of race when I met him and the colour of my skin never impacted him either. Maybe we're just different, I don't know, but something I know for sure is that not everyone can accept this.
Something which caught my attention on Twitter was the amount of people discouraging interracial relationships because of the attention people in these relationships draw towards themselves. I saw someone mention about how some couples make it obvious about their difference in race, and to some extent I understand why people would be bothered by this. I can proudly walk around with my natural hair out at night, get my boyfriend to help comb my hair, I could be choosing new hair online without him even batting an eyelid because it's no big deal. Yet people in interracial relationships seem to make this an issue and I don't get that. At the end of the day we are all human, we all have the same blood. Being in a relationship with someone of the other race shouldn't be something the parade about, just act normal.
So many assumptions are automatically made and I've seen this first hand. People assume that my boyfriend has a type when he does not, he is with me because of me, not my skin. As well as this people are quick to judge me too; my friend was shocked when I told her I was dating a white guy (I guess I have to stick to my own race, then? Hmm, questionable...)
Please don't make love a taboo because it's different. Please don't flaunt the fact that you're with the opposite race, or post pictures with the hashtag 'bwwm' or 'interracialrelationshipgoals'. If you were with your own race then I don't think you'd be pointing out the colour of your skin. Just be with the one you love for love and not for showcase reasons.
People will look. People have looked at my boyfriend and I holding hands in the street, but that's okay because it's 2020 and people get over it. Tomorrow will be better.
Love is love. Love is beautiful.
I want to leave this with all my readers, especially for the ones who can relate:
You are doing nothing wrong.
Be with who you want to be with.
Don't let society stop you.
Ignore the haters.
Love is colour-blind.
~ Ella
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