How To Not Waste Time - Procrastination

The curse of PROCRASTINATION. We've all been there, right? This is all due to distractions. Who wants to study when they could be catching up on the latest Netflix series? Homework due? Just blame it on the dog.

Now I'm not saying that I'm perfect because I am far from that, but I wanted to dedicate this post to helping others get over their procrastinating ways using the methods I use. You will see results if you stick to these methods, even if you still sometimes get distracted. My goal isn't for you to instantly become a studying wiz, it's purely to help guide you in the right direction towards progress.

I like to call this the 'obvious one' only because it's such a classic technique. What is handy about this is that you don't need pen and paper, you can just write down what you need to do on the go on your phone, also making it easily accessible. Using notes on your laptop is also a good method. I have made it so that whenever I turn on my laptop the notes tabs are always on show on the corner of my screen. This helps jog my memory and put focus onto my tasks.

I have 100% found this useful for me. As a university student my workload is high and I found it so difficult to do any work without having distractions around me. I would work in my bedroom and the things around me would distract me, I would try working in the living room but then it would be the TV. Eventually I found my space; the café. Of course I'm not saying this space would be effective for others too but the peaceful environment with comfy sofas and natural sunlight pouring in really enables me to put all my focus into my work. Finding your space is essential for results.

I know for a fact that many people who study turn to music as their escape. This is effective but what you're listening too could impact the way you work as well as your workload. I have found that listening to dance or fast music kind of zones me out, so I listen to calming instrumentals to help me focus. However, I understand that many others can work better listening to fast paced music whilst studying. It's entirely personal preference. What I suggest doing is setting up a study playlist; this will limit the distractions you will face.

Have you ever thought "tomorrow I will knuckle down and do my work" then later get an invite from a friend to hang out on that day? Then you decide "I'll just knuckle down another day instead". I believe that setting up a calendar will help you to become more efficient with your schedules and prevent you from switching up your plans. It's simple, but takes a lot of self motivation to make yourself stick to plans already made.

Hopefully these friendly tips will point you in the right direction towards tackling procrastination. In a nutshell, it's all down to organisation. Once you get your organisation down then you'll be invincible, as well as helping your wellbeing.

~ Ella
